Affiliate Disclaimer

We want you to know there are links to certain products on this site or on our podcast or in our outbound emails, that will earn Music Licensing Profits, LLC (“Music Licensing Profits”) an affiliate commission, should you make a purchase from these links. Music Licensing Profits is a for-profit business and affiliate links which earn commissions, is part of its revenue model.

That being said, we only act as an affiliate and promote those companies we believe are delivering products and services that are valuable, based solely on a cursory review and understanding of said products and services. Please understand that we do not make any kind of in-depth review or audit or evaluation of either the efficacy or ethical propriety of said products and services, or of the owners or distributors of said products and services.

That being said, we only promote or act as an affiliate for those products and services we would have no problem using and paying for, ourselves… based on this cursory review and “common man” level of understanding.

If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact us regarding any of this information, by using the Contact page, which you can find on the Contact menu at the top of this website.